Y1 Science

This term we are learning all about materials. Some of us went on a materials hunt to find some materials and we described their properties. Why are different materials used to make certain things? Why are they more suitable than others? You wouldn’t make a rain coat out of paper now would you! 🙂




Y1 Computing!

In Computing we have been using the Blu-Bots to understand instructions and programming. All of use were able to create algorithms for the robots. It was a lot of fun!


In PSHE this week, we have been discussing what good manners and bad manners are. As a class, we created a list of good and bad manners to keep in the class as a reminder.


This week the children have been learning about the emergency services. We spoke about what an emergency is and different types of emergencies.

Welcome Back!

Happy new year and welcome back!

The start of this week has been fantastic, they have all settled back in so well and have already been working super hard.

Here is this terms timetables for you to see:

Y1 Teaching Timetable_Spring 1

We can not wait to get started and see all the wonderful learning your little ones will be doing.

Any questions please ask your class teacher.

It is great to have them all back!   🙂